Visa before your arrival in Iran
Getting a visa prior to your arrival in Iran is by far the safest way to avoid any kind of inconveniences, who could disturb your stay in Iran. Process is relatively simple, you will have to go through 2 main steps, more explanation beside. The duration of the visa is 30 days, against only 15 days if you get your visa at the airport. This option is heavily recommended for tourists who would like to stay in the country for a stay superior to one month, or for those who don't want to take the risk of doing the Visa on Arrival (at the airport). It's also the only option you have if you want to go to Iran via a border crossing.
How to get a visa before my arrival in Iran ?
As mentionned above, the process consists in two main steps :
First, you will have to obtain a visa authorisation number from the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
Secondly, once you got this authorisation number, you must go to the embassy/consulate previously chosen to get your visa.
How can I get this authorisation number (or invitation letter) ?
The only option you have to get this number is to contact an Iranian tour operator. You will have to fulfill a form about your personal details and your planned itinerary. This tour operator will contact the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on your behalf to request an authorisation number. The average time for getting this number is around 10 days. Be careful, in this form you will have to specify in which embassy/consulate you would like to pick up your visa, please be informed that it will not possible to change this location after.
As an Iranian tour operator, we are offering this service for the bargain price of 30 euros. Click here if you would like to directed towards our visa form.
How long does it take to get this authorisation number ?
In general, we estimate that it should take around 10 days for your number to be issued. Keep in mind that on thursday and friday the ministry is closed, and your number could be delayed because of various public holidays of the Iranian calendar.
We will send you an email once your number has been issued.
What do I have to do once I get my authorisation number ?
Once you receive an email from our agency with your authorisation number, you can go to the embassy/consulate that you had previously choosen and start the second step of the visa process.
The documents you will have to bring differ from an embassy to another, and you should contact them before to make sure about what you really have to bring. Most of embassies will require some identity photos (womens must wear a scarf on the picture), a photocopy of your passport identity page, an attestation of insurance for the time you will be in Iran and enough money to pay for your visa. You will also have to fulfill an another form with personal informations.
If your visa application is accepted, the embassy/consulate can issue your visa in a few hours or in one or two weeks, depending on the location and amount of work of the embassy/consulate. An emergency option is often offered by embassies and consulate in order to make your visa faster if you are in a rush.
How much does it cost ?
To obtain your authorisation number through our agency, it will cost 30 euros.
On top of that you will have to add the payment of your visa to the embassy or consulate. The amount to pay depends of your nationality and you should check with the embassy to know the current fee.
How long before I arrive should I start the process ?
If you wish to do this process calmly and without stress, we recommend you to start 2 months before your arrival in Iran.
How long can I stay in Iran with this visa ?
This visa allows you to stay for 30 days, but you can extend your visa twice once in Iran. In total, you can hope staying for a maximum of 90 days.
What is the period of validity of my visa ?
Once your visa has been issued, his validity is 3 months, meaning that once you have your visa, you have 3 months to enter the country.